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VTT en Valsesia Piémont

The roads and paths of the valley offer endless and amazing routes (from the easiest to the most challenging ones) for two-wheeled vehicles. Here are a few suggestions to cycle deep into the nature.

Alagna e Riva Valdobbia: cross-country track.

Departure from Alagna, cross the only bridge on the ring road, near the carpentry. The route partly coincides with the winter cross-country ski track. Carry on along the river on a relatively wide path, on pebbles left behind by past floods of the river Sesia. Past Balma di Riva Valdobbia, you can go up to the Isolello bridge, protected by the avalanche shelter, crossing mixed soil, among broad-leafed or larch woods and green meadows, making up a total length of about 5km. Suitable for everyone, the use of a safety helmet is highly recommended especially for the youngest participants.

Mollia, Campertogno, Piode, Scopello

The route stretches along the right bank of the river Sesia. Past the bridge near Curgo, in Mollia and then down along the valley between the mountain side and the river. The nature of the path keeps switching from wooded to muddy for around 1 km. From Mollia, get past the characteristic villages of Rusa and Quare, along 6km of “forest road” that becomes tarred road on approaching built-up areas. Finally, from Piode and Scopello, the track gets smooth. Easy route, around 9km in length with a difference in altitude of about 220m.

Rima San Giuseppe – Alpe Nonaj

From the village of San Giuseppe , from the local car park at the entrance of the village, take the made-up road on the right. After about 1km, the itinerary continues on a dirt road, then crosses a small wooden bridge and carries on along a mule track.
It will take you about 2 hours to get to the mountain pasture, with a difference in altitude of 360m and 17km in length, the route is made up by 85% dirt road and 15% tarred road; moderate difficulty.

Tour round Mera

Departure from Scopello, or start from Alpe Trogo if you would rather avoid the challenging 7-km climb on made-up road. Take the dirt road on the left side of the car park, cross the pinewood and get on the path that is known as the Pian Rastò track in winter. Near the small church, carry on towards the chair lift (open during the winter season only), then cross the mountain pasture on a narrow made-up road that leads to the Campo small lake. Afterwards, take the path towards Alpe Musso and, surrounded by rhododendrons and meadows, you will get to the starting point of the Comparient chair lift; continue along the dirt road that turns into a ski track in winter. Two turns after, don't miss the narrow path leading to the climb up Pian Ristò through Alpe Ruscàa. Back to Pian Ristò and just a short climb away, along a ski track, turn right on the path winding in the wood and leading to the low plateaus of the Alpe Trogo.
This route is very peculiar as well as charming, long and quite challenging.


REDCAB Rental  Bike
Via Varallo 45

Tel. 0039 328 8867341